Installation fails on Win7 64 bit

Installation and setup related issues.

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Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:46 am

Installation fails on Win7 64 bit

Post by Mikl »

When trying to install BullzipPDFprinter the installation fails with the following error:

Runtime Error (at 183.486):
SWbemServiceEx Generic failure

Kind Regards
Mikkel Reesbøll
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:10 pm

Re: Installation fails on Win7 64 bit

Post by bwolfsohn »

I have a similar error when i try to install the current download. just a different address/code (not 183.46).

Runtime Error (at 183.486):
SWbemServiceEx Generic failure

I was able to successfully install an older version 6_0_0_865.

I tried turning off my anti-virus, but still got the same error.
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Re: Installation fails on Win7 64 bit

Post by jr »


Can you post your install log found under the start menu->Bullzip->PDF Printer->Debug-

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:10 pm

Re: Installation fails on Win7 64 bit

Post by bwolfsohn »

I uploaded my installation log file yesterday.. Any ideas ?? I've managed to install version 8 on my machine, but i'd like to install the current version..
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