Certain access tables cannot be seen from Bullzip

General usage of Access to MySQL

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Certain access tables cannot be seen from Bullzip

Post by jjones »

We have a database that is approximately 1.5 gigs with over 1 million records spread across 87 tables. The problem is that some of the tables in the access database are not listed in the Bullzip interface. Even when the conversion is complete, certain tables were not transferred over.

We are running access 2003.

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:31 am

Re: Certain access tables cannot be seen from Bullzip

Post by malvern@coulton.com »

I have the same problem with a 19Mb file. There are 20 tables in the origional Access file, Only 5off get created. JR can you help please?
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Re: Certain access tables cannot be seen from Bullzip

Post by jr »

Make sure your Access database isn't corrupt. You can make a Compact and Repair to see if it fixes the problem.

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