Silent Installation

A silent or unattended installation is when you run the setup program with a list of command line parameters and no user interaction. It is used to automate or simplify the installation when distributing the software.

The parameters or command line switches to control the silent installation are all listed at this link:

/SILENT and /VERYSILENT are the most used. If you have read the EULAs and want to hide them during installation, you can use the /ACCEPT_EULA, described at the link above.

Here is an example of a fully automated installation:


The silent installation will download the prerequisites from the Internet unless you have placed them in the same folder as the setup.

Reverse the page order

The PDF printer does not support the back-to-front page order option in the Windows printing dialog. However, if you are printing to PDF and need to print the pages from back to front, you can reverse the page order by running an additional tool after the PDF is created.

After successfully creating the PDF, you can configure the PDF printer to run a command line. Therefore, you can find a command line tool online to reverse your page order and run it after the PDF is created.

Scaling the PDF print

The default printer driver used with the Bullzip PDF Printer does not support scaling of the printed content. If you want to scale the output, you should replace the used driver with a driver that supports scaling.

The HP Universal Printing PS driver supports scaling and can be used with the Bullzip PDF Printer.

After installing the HP Universal Printing PS driver, you can switch the driver in the Windows dialog for advanced properties for the printer.

Changing the driver will also change the name of the printer. Make sure you go back to the general tab and change the name back before you press OK.

Next time you print to the printer, the Windows printing dialog will bring up the driver specific dialog with the HP features. Click More settings when you print to open the driver extra features.

Under More settings, you can change the scaling.

Security and Privacy

As a software development company, we always strive to make our software as secure as possible. Here are some things we do to keep you safe and ensure your privacy.


The installer available for download is signed with an EV certificate. EV stands for extended validation, a high standard for digital certificates used with hardware dongles to keep them safe.

After downloading the installer, you can right-click it and select properties. The property dialog will have a signature tab with the signature information.

Virus Scanning

Development is done on computers with updated anti-virus software. The installer is also analyzed with a long list of scanners to add an extra layer of security. Occasionally, we see that some scanners flag the software as a potential threat. False positives are common, as scanners find patterns similar to some of the viruses they are looking for.


The software does not send any information back to us. Therefore, what you print will stay your secret. We are considering sending version information sometime in the future. This will be part of a regular update notification.

Logging and temporary files

Logging of program actions and temporary files are written when the program is running. This information is stored on your local computer. Files are cleaned up after completion unless you run it in debug mode.

Some software versions offer DOD-level deletion of the temporary files for an extra layer of security.

Split PDF into one file per page

You can use the <pageno> macro tag in the output file name to split the print job into one PDF file per page. Here is an example:

c:\temp\myfile - <pageno>.pdf

This output file name will create output files looking like this:

Output file names with page numbers

You can introduce padding such as 001, 002, … by extending the macro with <pageno,3>. It is also possible to change the padding character if needed.

Go to the documentation of the pageno macro tag.

Signature Not Verified

The Adobe Reader can validate the digital signature on digitally signed PDF files. It can do that automatically when a PDF document is opened in the viewer. However, it is a configuration setting that determines if it does that or if you should do it manually.

Digital signature on PDF document

The image above shows what it may look like if the signature isn’t validated. You can right-click it and select Validate Signature to make Adobe Reader perform the validation.

Validate PDF signature

Error 1044: PDF Printer cannot send the email

A user reported the error 1044 when trying to send an email via Microsoft Outlook.

This is the full error message in German:

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.
Error 1044: PDF Priter cannot send the email. Error: Die Datai oder Assembly "office, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Zugriff verweigert.
Source: GUI
Internal hint: Email the document

The issue was resolved by running the Microsoft Office repair tool.

Attach and Send PDF via Email

You can make the PDF printer attach and send the output via email. It can open your email client and create a new mail ready for editing or it can send the mail automatically via SMTP.

If you check the email option on the general tab of the configuration dialog then it will try to use your default email client to open the new email.

Advanced options are available using settings in the configuration files. You can set the email client to auto (default), outlook, smtp, mapi, mapi32, or mapi64 to help it select the correct email client for opening or sending the mail. These and other advanced settings are normally set in the global.ini configuration file.

All the email settings are listed here:

The settings can be set directly in configuration files or via the Microsof.NET and COM programming interfaces.

If you experience that the printer is opening the wrong email client then you can try setting another via global.ini.